Why You Should Consider Getting An EPPP Support Tutor

Why You Should Consider Getting An EPPP Support Tutor

Why You Should Consider Getting An EPPP Support Tutor

1 February 2022
Education & Development, Blog

Many people find that they start to get a little nervous as the date for their EPPP, Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology, exam approaches. If you are starting to feel the same, you might find that you could really benefit from obtaining an EPPP support tutor. If you are not familiar with the benefits that come from using EPPP tutoring, you will want to continue reading.

They Can Help Add More Structure to Your Workload

There is going to be a lot of work that you need to get done. This can start to feel very overwhelming and you might find yourself having a hard time figuring out where you want to get started. For some people, this could lead to them delaying the process of even getting started, which certainly will not help them pass the upcoming exam. This is one great way your EPPP support tutor can help. They can organize your workload and add a bit of structure to it. This will help you know where you should start and how to move through all of the work in the most beneficial way.

They Give You the Opportunity to Have Accountability

When you do not have anyone watching over your shoulder or checking in on your progress, it can be easy to start procrastinating. Before you know it, the day of the exam will arrive and you will not be anywhere near prepared. By working with an EPPP support tutor, you will have some accountability. You will be less likely to put off your work and studies because you know they will be checking in on you. If you didn't do your work, you will have to explain why and that can be embarrassing. By having someone to hold you accountable, you are more likely to keep up with plans for studying so you do not have to let them down or try to explain why nothing was done.

They Can Help You Figure Out What Advice Is the Best

People love to give advice, especially anyone that has gone through the EPPP like you are about to. They may share what worked for them or simply what someone else gave them as advice years before. It is important to remember though that not all advice is good advice and since this is a new experience for you, you might have a hard time deciding what will work the best for you. This is where your EPPP tutor comes in. They can sort through the advice you are given to determine which will suit your needs the best and which advice you should ignore.

Make sure that you are reaching out to an EPPP support tutor as soon as possible.

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