3 Tips If You Want To Patent An Invention

3 Tips If You Want To Patent An Invention

3 Tips If You Want To Patent An Invention

26 December 2019
Education & Development, Blog

Creating something new is exhilarating and exciting. Creating, or inventing, something new also presents you with an opportunity to make money on your invention. In order to ensure that you retain exclusive rights to your invention, and money made from the invention, you need to get a patent for your invention. When it comes to patenting an invention, there are some important steps you need to take.

Tip #1: Create a Record of Your Invention

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you create a record of your invention. You don't have to have a physical product in order to create a record of your invention, you can just have an idea.

Take that idea and write out the most detailed description you can of the idea you have behind your invention. Include pictures and diagrams as well of what your invention is. Then, you need to date and sign the statement. You should also get at least two witnesses to date and sign that they understood what your invention was. This will help clearly establish when you first thought of your invention, which will help you with the patent process, especially if someone tries to challenge you and claim they came up with the invention first.

Tip #2: Keep Detailed Records

Second, you need to keep detailed records concerning any work you do on your invention. You need to write down the work you do each day. You want to write down any new ideas or directions you have for your invention. You should record the process of taking your idea and turning it into a physical product. You should write down any testing and modifications you make on your invention.

These records will be important for your patent application. Once again, get witnesses for your records. Always back up your records as well.

Tip #3: Create a Prototype of Your Invention

Third, you should create a prototype of your invention. Turning your invention into a physical product will help strengthen your patent application. Creating a prototype will also allow you to make modifications to your invention, which will help ensure that when you submit your patent application, that you present the most accurate information. You want your patent application to accurately depict your invention and creating a prototype can help with this process.

If you have an idea you want to turn into an invention and eventually patent, be sure to document the process in detail. Then, work with an invention-to-patent service who can help you create a prototype and walk you through the legal process of patenting your invention.

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Education Tips for People of All Ages

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